Since I'm at the Iowa State Fair right now...I thought it would be fun to feature some Etsy items that represent what the fair is all about to me :)
One of the first things I have to do when we go to the fair is eat a corn I love those things :) And this print shows exactly what I'll be looking for!

We always enjoy a walk around the midway to see all the excitement! Rides, concerts, clowns,'s all there. And even though I don't ride the rides, this print caught my eye :)

We always make a trip to Diamond Jack's while we're there too! It's a fun bar with live music and lots to drink :) And since Jesse's favorite beer is Budweiser...I thought these earrings were perfect :)

And what would the State Fair be without camping. We're actually going to stay in a tent this year since the temps are supposed to be bearable. But if we had a cute camper like this bird house know we'd take it :)
Hope you enjoyed these features as much as I'm enjoying the fair :)