Many times if we're not at a craft show or checking our Etsy shops, we're not thinking of making sales. Our brains aren't in "crafty mode" and we're not on top of our game.
In the past couple of weeks, I've made sales in some unexpected places! So I encourage you to always have a line or two ready and ALWAYS carry business cards!
I was at a local glass supplier recently and bought A LOT of beer mugs. The lady behind the checkout counter asked if I was going to use these at a bar. I told her that I actually etch on them and told her a few things I had done. She said her son would love something like that. I said Would You Like a Business Card! I pulled one out of my purse right there and she called last week to buy two mugs :)

And just this past weekend I had a package delivered from FedEx. Usually they just leave our packages in our cars or at the front door because they know we sleep strange hours. This time the guy knocked on the door really loud. I went to see who it was and thanked him for my package. I was about to shut the door when he said...I was wanting to ask you about placing an order! Over the summer he had asked what type of business I run (since he delivers here quite regularly!). I told him all about my laser and he seemed pretty interested. He placed an order for a custom picture frame with both the wood and the glass cool! And I was sure to send a couple of business cards with him in case he wants to spread the word :)
Have you sold any items in unexpected places before? Do you always carry business cards with you so you're prepared when the occasion arises?
cool! I always carry business cards and try to wear an example of my work when I can. I have had some opportunities to cards out but don't have any examples of them turning into sales.
ReplyDeleteFabulous!! I always carry business cards, but there are not that many opportunities in this tiny town.
ReplyDeleteThe frame is beautiful :)
How cool! I do carry business cards, but don't have that many opportunities to hand them out. I do notice in times of more activity/sales, my other sites get more traffic because I always send all my business cards out with orders.
ReplyDeleteIt is funny how these unexpected sales can pop up anywhere! I always carry business cards in my purse and pull them out whenever my business comes up on conversation!
ReplyDeleteI do carry my business cards had the opportunity to get a customer while perusing the wedding planning aisles at the local craft store. Cool photos you posted.
ReplyDeleteGreat that you had those unexpected orders! I always carry business cards and have handed them out -- usually when buying yarn! -- and have put them on bulletin boards here and there.
ReplyDeleteI carry business cards and am usually wearing a caterpillar bracelet but so far not much has come from it. Congrats on your orders!
ReplyDeleteSound like fun sales :)
ReplyDeleteI always carry some business cards with me, too. You just never know. Congrats on your unexpected sale!
ReplyDeleteI love that the FedEx man placed an order with you. I carry cards in my purse, but I usually have to dig for them, when I want to find them! I'll be more careful in the future! {:-D
ReplyDeleteI always carry business cards with me and usually coupons, too. I haven't had any orders that were too unexpected yet, but I'm sure that it will happen. It's awesome that both of these orders worked out for you!
ReplyDeleteI know that you get a lot of local orders. Does having your phone number on your card help with that? I'm still brainstorming ways to boost my local orders/get craft fair customers to come back.
Now, I carry business cards... but there was one time that taught me to do that! *roflol* My business partner and I had closed up shop and taken three employees with us to a business workshop. The first thing that he asked us to do was to put a business card on the back table. We purchased business cards for all of our employees as well as ourselves. 5 people from our brick and mortar shop... not ONE business card was carried by any of us! Needless to say, that was a *hard* lesson learned! LOL Business cards are one of the BEST advertisements you can use.