Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Engraved Plant Markers

Over Labor Day weekend, my parents were in town and my mom had a fun new idea for my laser! She comes up with some of the best ideas! She brought back some bamboo skewers to have me engrave and turn into plant markers!

My mom has a beautiful garden! My parents are selling their house and she thought it would be nice to leave the new owners plant markers so they know which plants are which when things start blooming in the spring again.

We did about 20 different varieties of plants and then went on a photo shoot to my grandma's house. It was fun to take some outdoor photos again! (Seems I only take product photos anymore!)

I need to get my hands on some more of these so I can add them to my shop. They're about 3/8" wide and probably 12" long making them perfect for plant markers. And since they're made of bamboo, they will withstand the outdoor elements well.


  1. Another great idea! You get an A+ in product development this week! Perfect gifts for gardeners.

  2. Love these, what a great idea! They will be a great addition to your shop!

  3. Oh this really IS a fantastic idea! Especially for those who are growing something unusual or want all of their tags to match.

  4. that is so sweet of your mom! I know I'd appreciate it, and I'm sure they will too. And they're so cute! {:-D

  5. Those are so cute! I wish we had plant markers in our yard from the previous owners! There's been a lot of standing there going "Uh..." and googling random plant names on our phones. (God, I'm such a city slicker.)

    At least I knew the flowers. :-)

  6. That is a GREAT idea and so thoughtful of your Mom :)
    I like that they are made from bamboo!

  7. Wonderful idea!!

    Hope you can find a supplier for these skewers and add them to your regular line.

  8. What a fantastic idea for your business and the new homeowners! Moms are great!!

  9. Oh my gosh! What a cool idea. I just moved into a new house, and I wish the previous tenants would have left me some of these. By the way, this gives me another idea. What about customized popcicle sticks? That would be a cute summer party favor!

  10. Thanks everyone! My mom comes up with the greatest ideas!

    Ali...I love the popsicle stick idea too!

  11. Those are super cute, what a great idea! And so thoughtful of your mom to leave them behind for the new home owners :)

  12. That's such a great idea! Pretty soon you'll be putting your mom on the payroll! :)

  13. What a great idea! And how thoughtful of your parents. This will be a wonderful addition to your shop.

  14. I bought 3 packs for you today. Will get them in the mail. :) Mom

  15. What a brilliant idea! Your Mom is one smart lady. I could have used some of those with my garden when we sold our house.

  16. Awesome idea! I love seeing you come up with new products. Your mom is so thoughful marking the plants for the next owner.

  17. Those are a great idea!! I bet those will do well in your Etsy shop.
    Everyday Inspired

  18. a perfect idea and I bet they'd be a big seller!

  19. Wonderful idea and great that you and your mom (and grandma) could do this together! I love family!!!!


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