Have you noticed my fancy new Blinky Blog Button I added to my blog recently :)
I've been wanting to learn how to make one of these for quite some time, and once I did my research, I found they're quite easy to make! I thought I'd share my new found info and how I changed the html code a bit to fit my needs.
The site I used was
Picasion and they make it so easy for you to create your code! Just upload the photos you want included in the animation, choose your size and speed and click Create Animation. How easy is that!
You can leave your code as is and it will work fine. I wanted mine to look a little different, so I played with the code a bit to customize mine.
Here is the original code:
And here is my customized code:

I just played around with the code and uploaded it to my blog until it was right.
The main things I changed:
*I changed the web address after both of the href=. I wanted my button to direct people to my website, not picasion's.
*After title= and alt=, I changed these from "how to make gif" to my website name "Memories for Life". Now when you hover over the button, you see my title and not theirs.
Another thing you could change is the size. Where the numbers "125" are located, you can change these to any size you want to fit your side bars. After seeing this in the code above, I was able to fix one of my other buttons that I never could get to fit in my sidebar...problem solved :)
I hope this was easy to follow and you found it useful :) Leave any questions in the comments and I'll answer them as best I can.