For the Thanksgiving holiday, Jesse and I traveled to Missouri to see my parents. It was so great to get away for a few days! Here are a few photos from our trip...
This is a bridge at Kansas City that I always think is so cool and I remembered to get a picture this time. I've always wondered if the cables actually serve a purpose or if they're simply decoration.
We got put to work the first day we were down there, but that was okay with us. (good workout!) We helped my parents blow the leaves out of their yard and into piles. Boy do they have leaves!!! The front yard was a piece of cake, but the back yard was completely full! After we blew the leaves as far as we could, my dad had the brilliant idea to rig up a plow on his Ranger to push the leaves! See where I get my creativity from :)
After a hard day of work, we were rewarded with a yummy Thanksgiving dinner. My mom went all out with homemade everything! Her stuffing was awesome and the chocolate pecan pie was delicious!
On Friday we did a little shopping, but no crazy 4 am deals. We just ran errands and had a nice lunch. On our way home we stopped at one of the local wineries and took a tour and did some tasting. They had a laser engraving area set up in their winery! I got to talk with the guy running it for quite a while and thought it was so cool they had someone right there engraving orders!
The best part was waking up each morning to this beautiful view!
It was great to see my parents over this extended weekend and you can guarantee we'll be back for a visit real soon :)