So what am I doing to support Etsy Day? Well...for starters, I'll be talking to two of my friends who have shown interest in selling on Etsy in the past. Today is the day to get them started! The next thing I'm going to do is buy two gifts on Etsy :) I've purchased ALL of my gifts for this year on Etsy! And plan to continue!!! And one other thing I'll be doing is posting about Etsy on my Facebook page :)
Now I just have to decide where to get that tattoo!
I'm sure there are more...but they are probably the ones that we do everyday without even thinking about it. I guess that's a good sign...Doing things that are good for the environment and not even having to think about it :)
How did you spend Earth Day? Did you participate in any special events? Did you pay more attention to the environment today than other days? drop me a note and let me know :) I love hearing from my readers!
But it will be one great keepsake when I'm done :) Her daughter is a super-star when it comes to sports...so these articles are very special to her. I'm glad I get to help her put them all together for her graduation :) And she will be able to look back years later and remember how awesome she was!