Friday, April 3, 2015

Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

As we all know, girls love diamonds! And what better month to celebrate them than April!
Who knew diamonds came in so many forms and styles. I went searching on Etsy and found beautiful, dream-worthy engagement rings, raw cut diamonds, metal shaped diamonds and even diamonds made of concrete! There is definitely something for everyone and every budget here. Enjoy :)

Clockwise from top left:

Which style of diamond is your favorite?
Anyone want to buy me that ring :)


  1. Diamonds are lovely! I didn't know rings like that would be on Etsy! Whoa!

  2. Diamonds are so amazing! I always felt screwed as a little girl since it is my un-affordable birthstone. I learned it is ok to substitute with artificial and be happy with that. Those raw diamond studs are calling me though!

  3. what an awesome grouping, and agree with Sharla .... didn't know rings like that were on Etsy?!

  4. What a fabulous mix of diamond items! Personally I like round cut diamonds the best, but I'm not going to say no to just about any kind of diamond. :)

  5. Ha.Ha. The ring is out of my price range. LOVE the earrings.

  6. Diamonds are beautiful! Love the raw diamond earrings :)

  7. As they say, diamonds are forever....What's not to admire?
    I love their poorer -and much more affrodable- cousins too, like the cement diamonds in your lovely collection.

  8. Concrete diamonds -- how interesting is that!!

  9. I've got to admit that the cement diamonds are my favorite. I could definitely use them to weight things down on windy days! While there are some diamonds with pretty cuts in the world, I really prefer stones with some color. But maybe it's a sibling rivalry thing because my sister is an April child and I'm from November!


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