Monday, October 18, 2010

Scrapbook Wall Art Canvas

I love branching out and finding new things to do with my supplies!!! This Canvas was so much fun to make! And now I have more ideas running through my head than I know what to do with!

Scrapbook Wall Art Canvas

I might add one more in a family theme in colors like navy, hunter green and maroon or navy and brown to give a little variety. And maybe a Christmas themed one. But I'd like to see how well this one does before I get too carried away...LOL :)
What ways have you found to branch out with your crafts?


  1. Another great idea Edi! I'm trying to branch out with more necklaces but it's hard finding the time to work on them. I'm too busy to work so I need to win the lottery!

  2. great idea - for a picture or maybe like a bulletin board?

    I've been wanting to make paper, but I think I'll have to wait until spring. Art journaling is my new found love. More for the artist than for sale, but maybe I can find a way to entice others to start! Bought some stamps and pads! What fun!


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