Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Features-Snowmobiles

If you read my blog regularly, you saw on my Wordless Wednesday post this week that we had a short snowmobile ride the other day! Jesse and I were having a great ride...until his broke down! I just think he's too hard on it...LOL!
Oh well...we've got a trip planned for February to go riding in Wyoming with some friends :) And Jesse is looking at getting a newer sled. I have to admit that it probably is about time!
So in honor of our fun in the snow...I bring you great Etsy finds having to do with snowmobiles :)
I'm off to dream about my vacation!!!


  1. I miss snowmobiling!

  2. What great finds! Can you believe I've never been snowmobiling? Shameful huh? Anyway, can't wait to see photos of your WY trip!

  3. amazing finds! Sounds like a fun vacation! {:-D


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