This month for the EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival one of the options to blog about is a favorite birthday memory, wish, or gift. And if you've been reading my know I love my birthday :) So instead of choosing one special memory or gift, I thought I'd show you the last 8 birthdays and why they were special. (Okay...really only 7 because apparently my 20th birthday wasn't special! How could that be!)
This is from my 19th birthday. It was the first year Jesse and I lived together during my birthday. He came home from work with this ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. And the best part...he doesn't eat I got the whole cake to myself :) Pretty thoughtful if you ask me :)
Like I said above...we'll just skip over my 20th since I don't have any pics and can't quite remember it!
But of course my 21st was a big one :) This is the layout I made to celebrate it. We went to eat at Hooters and they made me stand on a chair with that hideous red dress while they sang to me! Then we went to a comedy club where a hypnotist was performing...he's the big guy in the blue shirt I'm standing with. Yup...I got my picture taken with him afterwards :)

For my 22nd I made this layout to remember 22 things about me at 22. I really wish I would have made one of these every year so I could see how my life had changed within the last year.
My 23rd was pretty special! Not only was this the only year my parents have been home for my birthday since they moved, but I got really good gifts! As you can see in the He Loves Me layout...I got my Harley boy and a fridge!!! And I had to make a special layout to show that I got to spend the day with my entire family :) A very special birthday :)

My 24th was the first year we had a big celebration in our shed. My cousin's girlfriend's birthday is the day before mine, so we decided we deserved a party :) This is the two of us at the festivities!
For my 25th we went to Vegas! My first trip and it was awesome :) Just the two of us having a blast!
And if you're a regular know I had even more fun at my 26th!!! My best friend and I have birthdays 10 days a party was definitely needed :) And not only that, but on the actual day of my birthday, Jesse took me out for supper...where his whole family was there to surprise me :) One of the sweetest things he's done for me...I almost cried!!!

I know...a long post...but can you see why it was hard for me to choose a favorite! What do you think next year will bring...