Monday, April 26, 2010

Use Those Scraps

Saturday night we had a birthday party for Jesse's twin niece and nephew...what cuties!!! As with every gift I give, I like to add a person touch here and there. On top of each of their packages, I put a handmade gift tag :)
The great thing about these tags is that they are made completely out of paper scraps! The paper used is all left over from other projects! I save ALL my paper scraps...and this is exactly why :) They got a special gift tag...and I got to use my scraps!


  1. Very nice! I save all my handmade paper scraps, too-- at the very least, they're too beautiful to just throw away. :)

  2. They are so cute!

  3. Darling! And as you say, one more reason to save all those scraps....

  4. Can't bear to throw away those scraps, either. This is a great idea for using them. Thanks!

  5. Cute cards! As I was cutting up stuff for Erika's journal yesterday, I first threw my scraps in the recycle bin but quickly retrieved them in case I need them again. I'm learning!


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