My old paper rack...Yikes!
And the mess sitting next to it!
My Super Messy Work Table! How did I work here!?!
More stuff piled on the floor because it had no where to go!
And more!
See what I mean...a scary mess. Now you know why I wanted you to cover your children's eyes! I can't believe I let it get this bad. But when I get busy on projects, cleaning gets put by the way side. And just a note: The rest of my house does NOT look like this! This is just my creative chaos :) I do keep the rest of the house under control!
And now for the organized wonderfulness:
My new paper racks!!! Thanks Uncle Dave!!!
There are 73 spaces for paper...and I still need more! There are also 6 shelves on the bottom for other organization...also all full!
My much cleaner work table! Wow...there was really a table under there!
Newly organized shelf. All of my albums in one place now!
I took the doors off this closet to better use it. I moved the shelf from where my paper rack is now into the closet for more room :) And I cleaned the closet and got rid of a bunch of stuff that never should have been in there to begin with!
And finally a place for my sewing machine! So nice! Thanks Aunt Peg for fixing it for me :)
And storage for all my flip flops! And yes, there is a shoe rack on both sides of the door...that's how many flip flops I have waiting to be made into albums!
What do you think? Uncle Dave did a great job on my paper rack, didn't he! And because of him...the whole room got a major cleaning it's been needing! Gotta love great family :) And none of this would even be about if it weren't for his wondeful wife...my Aunt Peg...who got me started on card making and scrapbooking through 4-H :) I really do have one great family!!!
Family fun...what more could we ask for :)